Phone versus Tablet

    So I'm debating on buying a new phone, or an Internet Tablet. The features I'm looking for in either are:

    1. Full Featured Internet Web Browser
    1. Wireless 802.11B/G built in.
    1. RSS Reader
    1. Chat Client (for AIM, ICQ, GTalk, Yahoo, MSN)

    If I get a phone, I'd want the ability to have customized ringtones for each person. So I'm not sure what else I'd want to get in a device. The two items I'm looking at are both from Nokia.

    For a phone, it'd be the Nokia N95. As for an Internet Tablet, I'd get the Nokia N800. The price difference is about $350. $750 for the Phone, and $400 for the Internet Tablet.

    Whichever I decide, I'll end up getting it probably in late June. Which doesn't rule out the iPhone, but I really don't want to have to sign another 2 year contract with Cingular/AT&T.

    Anybody have any thoughts?


    No Internet

    My dad managed to run over the cable with the lawnmower, so I don't have any internet for the next couple of days, at least monday. so if you're wondering, that's why.


    New Blog

    As you can see, I've implemented the new blogging software, Thanks to Joel, for pointing me in the right direction with Textedit's find & Replace. The comments did not transition over, just the content... I'll look into it, but I'm not sure if there is a way to import the comments into a post...

    I'm going to customize it some more later on.


    Thoughts on the Decline of the Digg Community and Changes

    I have thought about this for a while now, and I have come the conclusion to no longer continue to support the Digg community. The decline of the quality of the user community has made me decide that it is no longer within my interest to continue to comment, post, digg, or even login to the website. There is a certain lack of respectability within the community that has encroached on the user base.

    In addition to the failing quality of the community, the user base is also extremely biased and quite inconsiderate when it comes to commenting on stories. I'm in need of a more equitable platform to acquire my stories, and also a more even keeled place to gain perspective.

    Furthermore, the Diggnation podcast has also become a drunken beerfest which includes extremely off-topic comments on stories. While I expect some comments and off-topic stories, the increased frequency of this has turned me off from the podcast. The previous podcast included talking about "joey's weiner", which truly who the hell cares.

    The recent "HD-DVD Key" Revolt, by the community, shows me that the community is willing to allow a website die and be sued out of existence, then continue to aid it in thriving and growing. While I applaud the idea behind it, there are other ways of showing your disdain for the AACS company. I did digg the articles, not as a revolt, but as a protest to the AACS company.

    While I still have respect for Kevin and Alex in their endevors and their commitment to the Digg community, and wish them the best of luck, I can no longer continue to participate in a community of juveniles and those who cannot respect others. I will be unsubscribing to the podcast, and removing links to them on my websites.

    On the subject of Website, I have a few other changes to mention in regards to that. I will no longer be doing my "Stories of the Week", which of late has turned into "Stories of Whenever". I will be posting any stories I find in my main blog. I also believe as though I will be switching blogging platforms to Wordpress instead of Pivotlog. Despite pivotlog having served me well for the last two years, I am in need of an updated blogging platform with more capabilities and features. I have not 100 percent decided on wordpress, but my limited use with it, has impressed me.

    Since buying my Mac, my interests in what I want to persue have changed, I think I'm going to try programming some applications for the Macintosh, and learning Mac OS X, and the intricacies held within. I also intend on spending more time on the things that I want to spend my time on, instead of surfing the internet in search of nothing in particular.


    Apple TV

    So on Saturday I bought an Apple TV, and so Far I like it... I spent most of Sunday sitting and watching stuff on the Apple TV. Despite the amount of time it takes to transcode things to Apple TV Format from DVD, it works quite well. The only issue I have is that pixelation on a larger dark spot of black while watching '24', but other than that, it's not bad at all. The setup is a breeze, and it looks really good on an HD TV, with an HDMI Cable setup. I haven't watched a movie on it yet, so I'm not sure how those have transcoded; but I will watch one eventually.

    The Apple TV, in conjunction with the 802.11N Wireless, synchronization to the Apple TV was quite fast. I like the ability to both synchronize and stream from the same computer, it makes it a lot nicer to be able to watch what I want, when I want.


    Comments on some recent events

    RE: Virginia Tech Shootings.
    While I understand the tragedy and horror behind this incident, the thing that irritates me is the fact that it is all that all of the news channels seem to be focusing on. Not the fact that there are two Wars going on... the War in Iraq and the War in Afghanistan. Those don't matter...

    RE: Don Imus
    Don Imus was fired for making a comment that has never gotten Jesse Jackson in any trouble. If Jesse Jackson said "That white honky cracker of a redneck is driving that car like he's running from the cops". It'd be funny, and nothing would happen to him. so I think Imus was just being a scapegoat for all "shockjocks".



    so, I bought some new memory for my iMac, since I want to be able to run Parallels efficiently. And well... it would've been nice if I could've done so... one of the memory sticks that I bought is no good... so I have to return them tomorrow and get a replacement.


    Stories of the Week

    It's been 4 weeks since I posted any stories of the Week... so I have posted some more... check them out here
