Tip: iPhone Photos

    To pull your iPhone photos off of your phone, connect it to any computer, and use your favorite Photo application to obtain the images. on the Mac, you can use IPhoto, this will preserve the XIF data and import the photos. They are initally at 1600x1200 resolution. On windows, feel free to use MSPaint or Even Word. I'm pretty sure Photoshop Express would allow this too....


    RANT: Adobe

    Here is what I sent via feedback to Adobe. With Adobe Reader 8.1 they require use of a download manager... which is completely ridiculous. I find it to be a complete pain the ass to have to install a damn activex control just to download a damn reader that won't even be installed in my damn browser. This practice is clearly nothing that would be user friendly and would not require such flawed technologies as Microsoft's Activex. I am not going to deploy this crapware to 250 computers and have to download the incapable download manager to every single one. This is asinine and this is definitely a negative user experience. This will force me to have to choose another product other than Adobe's. So screw adobe. They have buggy code and crappy products anyway.


    RANT: Generic E-mail addresses

    ok... so I realize that many people don't want to receive a bunch of crapmail in their inboxes and they decide to use generic email addresses. However, choose carefully what that generic e-mail address you use. I have been receiving, and have received in the past, a ton of email messages that are not intended for me. Now, my suggestion is that you create a junk email box specifically for this purpose... call it spambox, or junkbox. and just move everything that is sent to that email directly into the trash. This is just common fricken courtesy.


    More retrieval of files

    I've spent the last few hours attempting to retrieve some more itunes audio and video files... however I haven't been too successful, I've gotten some videos back, but some are still gone... too bad it's been taking a long time to get through a vast majority of this information....

    Update: I have finished this... only 5GB's was retrieved. Most of the music files I had, I will go through the list of all of the files I have purchased before I DBAN this hard drive. 7 passes should be enough, but I might do 35 just for shagrins.



    I'm going to make sure that I left everybody know that they really should backup any important files that they would rather not lose. I had a hard drive decide to whack and the Master File Table (more info here). So I'm going through the physical parts of the hard drive and attempting to recover any iTunes music, pdfs, excel files, and videos that I can... out of 78Gigabytes, thus far, I have only actually extracted 1 gigabyte of things that I want to keep. I have not yet recovered ANY of the iTunes Shows that I purchased, including Studio 60, Several free ones, and a couple of others... Luckily, I have kept all of the Apple Receipts e-mails that they have sent; so I will be creating a list, and keeping that up to date.

    so I am reminding and encouraging everybody to go to File->Backup to Disc (within iTunes) and save all of the files to a Disc. It is not easy to recover the songs. Once I have finished going through the entire hard drive, I'm going to be burning an entire backup of the iTunes songs....



    So I decided to re-organize around my computer today... I took the top part of my desk off, and it's created a bunch of space. It's some what empty now, so I need to fill it up with something... maybe a secondary monitor... but first I think I'll get a new phone or something... who knows....


    Rant on Security Now! 94, RE: Library Security

    On SN 94: The Fourth Authentication Type, Leo and Steve talked about how a hacker can have a thumb drive, install keylogging software, put it in a Library computer, leave it there for a week, come back and have all of the user names and passwords of the people who sat there. I'd like to argue this point, heavily. There may be some libraries that do not have any restrictions on their patron terminals, however there are many, including the one that I work at, that do. We run a program called "trust-no-exe". this does exactly what you think. It stops all EXE files from loading except the ones that you specify. We do this, in addition to several other security related things.

    Additionally, many of the libraries in the US had donated, or were allowed to purchase at a significant discount, computers from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. And the B&MGF did not just give the computers and say, here, you deal with security. No, the setup included that all of the users are Non-Administrators. Many libraries are extremely concerned about security and privacy, particularly because they have a very diverse population. One specific thing is that we did not allow thumb drives until we could find a way to restrict them from running programs. Plus, being non-administrator users, our patrons cannot run the U3 Software, since that requires Administrative rights; yet they can still save their files to their thumb drives. Many libraries continued this setup, even if they replaced their aging Gates' computers.

    I find the belief that libraries are lackadaisical when it comes to security, disheartening and rather assumptive on the part of Leo and Steve.


    Old Computers

    So I have three older PCs that I'm not sure what to do with... 1 AMD Sempron 3100+ with a gig of Ram, 256MB of Video Memory, so it's a pretty good machine... 1 1.9Ghz Pentium 4, 512MB of RAM, 128MB of Video Memory, and an old P2-400 with 384MBs of RAM... I'm not sure what to do with any of these... so if anybody has any idea, I'd appreciate it...

    I'm thinking I could use the Sempron for a Windows Home Server and test it for backups and the like... Possibly use the 1.9GHz for a security gateway... since I'm going to divide my network into two segments, Public and Private... but we'll see... I may just lock down the wireless...


    Phone versus Tablet (updated)

    Well, with the Nintendo DS Lite Browser coming out in June, I've ordered that, and am probably going to use that for a while, and see if that will be enough for me... but we'll see... it's a hell of a lot cheaper only $35 versus $400 versus $750... so I'll see how it works...
