Celebrating Steve Jobs

Today marks the 10th anniversary of the death of Steve Jobs. I still remember where I was when I heard that he had died. I wrote a very brief post the night he died. As I stated then, "Nothing more needs to be said. It is definitely a sad day." It most certainly was.
There have been many tributes including those from his colleagues like Sir Jony Ive. Apple itself has a great video on their website. It is a short video that celebrates Steve Jobs. If you wanted to read about Steve Jobs and his life, be sure to checkout the book "Steve Jobs" by Walter Isaacson.
Of course he is greatly missed by his former family, friends, and colleagues. Yet, for those of us who never met him, let alone personally knew him, I think Marco Arment stated it best:
But as an outsider who had no personal relationship with him to mourn, it has been most depressing to consider how much of his work the world missed out on.
He wasn’t taken from us after a long, complete life — he was taken in his prime.
He had so much more to offer the world.