Overcast 2.0

Marco Arment has released the long talked about update to his podcasting application, Overcast. I could try and do a review, but it is easier to read the ones that others have done.
Overcast is an application that I use everyday, without fail. Some days, I used t more than others. With that, I do want to highlight one feature. The patronage model. When Overcast 1.0 was released, Marco opted to go with free with an in-app purchase. The purchase unlocked voice boost and smart speed. This has changed. Now, all of the features are free. Marco is asking for patronage to help support development of the application. The patronage is effectively $1 per month, and does not automatically renew. In the future, if there is a feature that Marco cannot rollout to all users due to some financial concern, these features will be available to patronage uses. Ultimately, this may be a better model.
If you have not tried out Overcast, yet, you can download it from the App Store.