Bluetooth Headset

    I Went out and bought a new bluetooth headset for my phone today, I was getting sick of always holding my phone while driving, and it's just easier to do things without holding onto my phone. I should've gotten a holster for my phone too... oh well... I'll let everybody know how well this works after a few days of use. I ended up getting the Plantronics 320 bluetooth headset.



    So Apple is going to sell it's 1 billionth iTunes song tonight at some point. Possibly before midnight. I'm going to try and get the 999,900,000th song to get a new iPod Nano. I would like to get the 1 billionth song, but I'd also be happy with the 999,900,000th song... They sold the 1 Billionth Song at 11:38:00 Central Time.


    Software Update

    I Just updated the Blogging Software, so if there are any issues with it, let me know.


    School, Class...etc....

    So, my class has been revised, and in the Cisco world, that means they didn't think the old version was working, so we're going to have students try the new version... the new version has several problems that we spent several hours trying to get working... damn was that a pain in the ass...

    On another note, I got a letter from Phi Theta Kappa yesterday, so I decided I would fill in the form and pay the $65 lifetime membership to be a member. I can't argue, it's $65 and who knows what else I'll get with it...


    Cisco Mistakes

    While reading my information for class today, I came across this

    "...A password can be crated for the user..."

    now exactly how do you put a non-physical object into a crate?

    if somebody can tell me, I'd be intrigued to find out how this is done.


    iPod Nano

    Well, I decided to buy an 4GB Black iPod Nano today.. So I went to the Apple Store in the Oakbrook Mall. So, I got a 4 GB Nano with a sleeve case from InCase.. not a bad little case... I'll let you know how I like the Nano after I've had a chance to play with it for a few days.

    In addition to the iPod, I went out and bought a Universal Dock for the iPod. The included converters are for the following iPods:

    4GB & 6GB iPod Mini
    20GB U2 Special Edition iPod
    40GB iPod
    20 & 30 GB U2 Special Edition iPod with Color Display
    40GB & 60GB iPod with Color Display

    The Nano Included a converter for the dock.



    So, I thought I'd try out some software called VMWare. Basically it allows you to install any other operating system that you want to... it uses your local hard drive to store the files, and it works quite well... I'll give more of an update as I continue to play with it. The only downside is the price, it's $199 for a single license... I'll have to think about whether or not I want to buy it.


    Apple Ipod Nano

    So Apple decided to bring out a One Gigabyte iPod Nano. I think I'm going to buy one. I have two gift certificates to the Apple Store, so this would probably be a good buy for that. we'll have to see. The Shuffle's price was also dropped. $69 for the 512MB 120 Song Version, and $99 for the 240 Song Version. The Ipod Nano also has the capability to hold 15,000 photos. I'm still not 100% sure if I'll buy that, or if I'll buy the 2 Gigabyte Nano... we'll see.. Any thoughts?



    So again this year, I didn't really watch the Superbowl.... I don't know why... I didn't even watch the commercials either. I'm not sure why, but I just haven't been motivated enough to actually watch it. oh well...


    EbaumsWorld and USA Networks

    I was reading some news today, and found an article about Ebaum's World making a deal with USA Networks for a TV Show, I have sent an e-mail to USA Networks, below is the exact e-mail I sent:

    I would like to inform you that I will not be watching the USA Network, nor anything that USA Networks sells because of this Deal revolving EabaumsWorld and the USA Networks. Article here:

    "In its television incarnation, EBAUM’S WORLD will bring the most shocking and extreme content to late night programming in a fast-paced, irreverent hour of outrageous clips, jokes and commentary. The show will feature clips from the website as well as new, exclusive content, and interviews with past and new EbaumsWorld video subjects who will be asked to account for their outlandish behavior -- if they dare."

    Ebaumsworld infringes on copyrighted material. They do not have any of their own copyrighted material. They take other people's items, and claims for the material to be their own, and then refuses to remove the material if requested. Therefore, this type of action is intolerable and I will not be supporting any network that supports this type of behavior.

    It is disappointing that a company like USA Networks would engage in infringing on copyrighted material. I will not be surprised when EbaumsWorld's TV Shows end up on the internet, and I will not be surprised if EbaumsWorld material is available on the internet via illegal downloading websites. When this happens, it will be justified comeuppance for Ebaumsworld.

    It's too bad, because I would occassionally watch USA Networks.... their loss
