Stories of the Week
I've posted this week's Stories of the Week.... we're on #6...
I've posted this week's Stories of the Week.... we're on #6...
Well I fixed the DVDs pages tonight... not bad... about 40 minutes to fix them... now that I know what needed to be fixed and changed, it went much quicker than last night...
Well... I've managed to get most of my books database back online... the only thing not working is the pagination part... but I'm working on it...
edited: 22:57 05-17-06
The books portion is fixed... next is the DVDs... then the forums...
I took my Cisco Security Final and only got a 72%... I think I still got an A for the class which is good... I plan on taking 5 certification tests over the summer... 3 Cisco and 2 Microsoft... we'll see
Everything is working except for the DVDS, Books, secure website and forums... MySQL isn't working properly on my webserver yet... so I'll have to work on those when I get a chance... If anybody has any other ideas for my site.. let me know.
Well, there's a lot that is back up on my new webserver, it's now linux... some things are still messed up...
DVDs and Books do not work, neither do the forums... I'll try and work on that tomorrow... but we'll see...
Well... I'm debating on whether re-install Windows on my webserver or to install Linux... what does everybody else think?
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(1 votes)
I forgot I could do Polls on this thing...
I've changed the way that the stories of the week works, it has it's own page now... they can be found here
Well... those things have now been fixed... the forums are now secure.... along with the members area.... that still needs a lot of work... but it's secure and seperate from the forums..
Well... I've added some forums.... they're not yet active... I'm going to fix it so that they are secure... and change the secure site a bit.... but I'll do that sometime this weekend...