The Day The Earth Stopped Masturbating (NSFW!) NO, Seriously, NSFW!
Thanks to @Joolaid for the link.
Thanks to @Joolaid for the link.
Here is a video of the Earthquakes around Japan Between March 9th and March 14th.
I typically don't post movie trailers but I like this one. And this one is NSFW.
This is a Rant from Jason Calacanis. Thing thing to remember about what he says is that he states that fanboys are the ones who think Apple can do no wrong. There are plenty of us that think Apple is a great company, makes innovative products and is pushing the market. Yet, we're the ones who are also willing to criticize Apple when they make a mistake.
In case you don't know who Merlin Mann is, he is considered the productivity guru for getting things done (also known as GTD). He runs the website Here's a talk he gave at Macworld about Living with Data.
Go Here to view videoThis guy is an absolute fucking riot.
Here's the Web 2.0 Bubble... also a good Web 2.0 Primer
New Media Douchebags....
Here's another funny song by Brad Paisley
It won't let me embed, so here's a Link
I like this one...