You have to love the Daily Show.
You have to love the Daily Show.
Here's a Video of Call of Duty Ghosts. It's an all access look hosted by Justine Ezarik. It's a 28-minute look into the game.
The Colbert Report
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We all must believe what Mr. Tangerine Dream says:
Back in February I posted a video by Zach Sobiech, who had been diagnosed with Osteosarcoma. It turns out that he died yesterday. The first video below is Celebrities and family members singing his song "Clouds". The second video is an in-depth look into his life, how it has affected everybody around him, and his last goodbyes. Be warned, the second video is a tear jerker. Don't say I didn't warn you.
RIP Zach. I hope the view is a little nicer up in the clouds.