funny articles
I suggest everybody go to the following websites:
Google Search
the article is funny, and the google search, check the first that's political action at it's finest.
I suggest everybody go to the following websites:
the article is funny, and the google search, check the first that's political action at it's finest.
Ok, so my brother, my dad and myself all went to the boat to do some gambling... my brother gave me $100 to spend, I left with $80 of it and now he wants it back... should I give it back to him, or should I keep it? everybody else's thoughts?
I did buy 1 year of support from CDW for my router, about $100 for that... but that will give me updates if I need them and some other access for things, so we'll see if I need it at all.
Ok, so my router is cool, I can do a whole lot with it, I haven't really had a ton of time to play with it, but I will eventually....
I found out something rather interesting today, Apple announced the IPOD Nano, it's the size of pencil, and on, the ipod mini isn't on anymore, and It's no longer available from apple. There is also a limited time offer for a Harry Potter Ipod... I'd like to get one, but I don't have 548.00 for it and the books. And, I already own all of the audio books.
There's also a new Itunes phone exclusively at cingular... I could buy one, but I don't have another $249.00 to spend on that, so forget that idea (for now)
My new router should be here tomorrow by 10:30 am... I paid for the overnight shipping by 10:30 am... so I hope it's here earlier so I can have some time to play with it and set it up so I can access it from school... we'll see... I'll let everybody know more tomorrow..
I've purchased some cisco equipment... well I borrowed the money from my brother, but the Cisco Router with Wireless has been ordered. It'll take 3 - 6 days, and it's being overnighted by 10:30 am. which is cool....
So my brother wanted to build a computer... no problem.... got everything, brought it home, tried to boot it up... no dice... kept trying different things... all comes down to a bent pin on the processor, so now he has to go and buy another one tomorrow... which of course sucks... but oh well...
which cisco equipment to purchase... still unsure.... any thoughts, anybody...?
The headphones I bought less than a month ago are broken now. they snapped and won't go back together... damn headphones. Why do the cheap headphones always last longer?
I don't know how well this CCNA class is going to go... I can't finish the quizzes early, they have to be taken during class... which is sort of a pain. I was sort of looking forward to finishing the class a little early and being able to start the next one to get most of my work done before the end of the semester so I could take my CCNA ICND certification exam early, like before christmas. we'll see maybe I still can....
Be sure to check out the link to MP's book entitled Twilight of the Past: A Rift in Time