Itunes Error
I was updating some album art today, and I came across this Vanity Fare entry... I knew they were getting old... but I didn't think they were that old.

I was updating some album art today, and I came across this Vanity Fare entry... I knew they were getting old... but I didn't think they were that old.
so I was looking at some settings on my computer, specifically the DNS server settings... my DNS Servers are statically set, but for some reason tonight, they weren't what I had set them to... the ones that I had set them to are and they were changed to and those addresses are from the Netherlands... more specifically registerd in Kiev, Ukraine... now I"m not sure how this has happened... I'm going to start doing some research and see what might have been the cause.... initially nothing comes up... but I'm going to keep digging deeper.
So I had to go back to work today.... which wasn't fun... but oh well....
I did learn today, however, that starting on January 7th, I would be full-time... so now I can buy my Mac Mini... and 23" High Definition Apple Display... and a new KVM... so that'll be cool....
That's about it for now....
So, I didn't get a whole lot for Christmas, but I did get a couple of Apple Store Gift Certificates, and I traded my sister my itunes gift certificates for cash.... so I got a bunch of cash as well...I also got a new wallet with more money from my Grandparents... so I'm saving up some cash to buy a new Mac Mini when the new ones come out.... I would also like to buy a new monitor... but I can wait on that even longer... although I'd like to have a 23" HD Apple display... since my computer can't handle a 30", 23" would do. the funniest thing was that there was a box shaped just like an Ipod Nano for me, but it turned out to be a 365 day Duct Tape calendar.... oh well I can always get myself an ipod nano if I really want one...
Total for Mac Mini plus Display, Keyboard, and Apple Care: 1,993 without tax... I'm not sure how much with tax....
I think I'll probably get the Mac Mini, Keyboard and Apple care soon, and then get the Display with my Tax Refund.... but we'll see...
I updated my blogging software up to the latest version... so if there are any issues with it, let me know.
I finally got the package from Fedex 10 minutes ago... I opened it up to make sure that it wasn't broken, and it wasn't... so now it gets wrapped... MP and I are going to hang out tomorrow.... we're not 100% sure what we're going to do... but we'll figure it out....
the package was supposedly loaded on the truck at 3:01 am... we'll see if I ever receive the package... MP said last night that they probably broke it... which is probably likely...
Well... I know I will never use Fedex Again, despite their customer service being extremely nice.... I called and asked about the status of a pckage, and I just got irritated with the excuses so I asked to talk to the representatives' Manger... only to be put on hold for 5 minutes.... anyway, Today's excuse is supposedly "We're behind because of weather delays from the storm last week, and that with the additional packages, they are two days behind".... Additionally, the supervisor supposedly called the driver and told them that I'm waiting for my package... which makes me think that I probably won't get it today at all... Luckily the package is a christmas gift for somebody local....
MP's right, they are retards.... like I said... i'm not using them ever again.... the USPS is better, so is UPS....
I called Fedex again last night... they told me that they're not sure what the issue is with my package, but it is on another vehicle for delivery... I am supposed to get a call from a Manager of the Carol Stream Facility today... but I doubt that this will happen.... so we'll see if I get my package today... if it's not here by 4:00... I am going to call fedex and ask for the Customer Service representatives, Manager, and then Ask for That persons' Manager to see if anything can get done... because this is just ridiculous.
Well the package I'm waiting for is on a vehicle for Delivery as of 1:14 this morning... so we'll see if it comes today... if not, I'm going to ask them if there is anyway that they can deliver it to a FedexKinkos location and I can pick it up....
On a side note, my domain now works... so it'll make it easier in case I switch services... so we'll see..