Stories of the Week
I have posted this week's stories of the week... go here to read them.
I have posted this week's stories of the week... go here to read them.
Well I signed up for the second part of my CCNA Certification test... It's June 5th at 2:00 pm at NIU's Naperville campus. So Now I have to do some studying for it... we'll see how that goes...
Tonight Jen, Ken, their friend Mike and I all went bowling... I got there about 9:45 and bowled 3 games on my own... getting 71, 78, and 81. Then the four of us played 3 games, and I lost all of them... expected it.. but didn't expect to do so poorly... no idea why I did so poorly.. oh well I know I suck at bowling.... wonder if there are plans for going next week already... I doubt it... but you never know...
ok... I got to thinking.... if I were to buy a new gaming console which one would I buy? The Xbox 360, the PS3, or the Nintendo Wii.... well.. at this point I don't think I would buy any of them, because they're all missing key features... The Xbox 360 doesn't have any good games that I would want to play.
The PS3, like blue-ray and HD-DVD is just a rumor, and hasn't really been anywhere close to final production... so it'll just get pushed back...
And the Nintendo Wii doesn't have any adapter or addon for me to play my original Nintendo NES Games on it. Now if they add that... I'd buy a Wii...
Although, I am debating on whether or not to buy a Nintendo DS Lite for the Brain Games that they have... but we'll see...
Let me know.
Today at work I felt like leaving early, because my head wasn't really there... but oh well I stayed all day. I had the opportunity to get overtime... but I didn't take it, because I wanted to leave early today... it is nice getting off of work at 2:30, but starting at 6:00am isn't fun...
Oh well, I managed to get a switch installed before 8:00am and everything was working on it... so I can't argue... only two left... probably be next week and the week after.
Well, Last night I went out bowling with Ken, Jen, Jen's Friends Cathy, Nicole, and Tabby. Cathy brought 3 friends, Melissa, Joe and some other guy.. I don't recall his name... Of course, since I suck at bowling.... I managed to lose both games... but I expected it... I don't care, I had fun none the less...
Ken was acting drunk, after only 1 smirnoff... I'd hate to see him after more than one... although I bet it'd be funny.
Ken and I made a bet that I couldn't stay off of Myspace until the 23rd... so I'm going to prove him wrong... so if you don't see that I've logged on, that's why...
I've posted this week's Stories of the Week.... we're on #6...
Well I fixed the DVDs pages tonight... not bad... about 40 minutes to fix them... now that I know what needed to be fixed and changed, it went much quicker than last night...
Well... I've managed to get most of my books database back online... the only thing not working is the pagination part... but I'm working on it...
edited: 22:57 05-17-06
The books portion is fixed... next is the DVDs... then the forums...
I took my Cisco Security Final and only got a 72%... I think I still got an A for the class which is good... I plan on taking 5 certification tests over the summer... 3 Cisco and 2 Microsoft... we'll see