New Look
I've updated the look of the frontpage of my website... see it Here. Let me know what you think... or if you have ideas for what else can go on there..
I've updated the look of the frontpage of my website... see it Here. Let me know what you think... or if you have ideas for what else can go on there..
Well, Wordpress is now at 2.2.1. If there's anything that is missing or not working correctly, please let me know.
Note... this post was a draft and for some reason decided to show up today.... here goes....
Ok, so I went out yesterday morningThe 30th of June at 7:15 to go the Apple store to go and purchase an iPhone. I got there at 8:00 and I was number 4 in line. I ended up buying a 4GB model. I drove home, opened up my iPhone, and activated it within five minutes. The only thing that I had to do was to add the $20 unlimited data plan (which I've already used that much worth). I love the wifi and the excellent audio quality. It is so much better than my old Razr phone. I'm wondering if it's getting more bandwidth than the rest of the phones...
one of the less than ideal is the speakers on the phone, but they sound better than most other speaker phones. the headphone jack, with the case will not allow regular headphones, but it's not too bad...
So far I have no complaints, excluding ringtones, which you can't add songs as ringtones... (Update: I know have Custom ringtones after a little bit of trickery).
I just realized that every idea I come up with at work get suggested by somebody else six months later, and it's heralded as a novel idea that we should do... now why the hell does this happen? I come up with the idea, yet somebody else gets the credit... I don't like this at all...
I saw Sicko, the newest film to date by Michael Moore... it's a good film, and if that's the current state of our health care, then we're fucked... Every other country has universal health care, yet we're the richest, and we can't afford to do so.... I don't like this prospect....
this guy sitting behind us at dinner said "to kill a mockingbird didn't teach anything about killing mockingbirds, what's up with that".
I'm going to start working on a new look for the frontpage of my website... not necessarily the blog, but the front of the site..
To pull your iPhone photos off of your phone, connect it to any computer, and use your favorite Photo application to obtain the images. on the Mac, you can use IPhoto, this will preserve the XIF data and import the photos. They are initally at 1600x1200 resolution. On windows, feel free to use MSPaint or Even Word. I'm pretty sure Photoshop Express would allow this too....
Here is what I sent via feedback to Adobe. With Adobe Reader 8.1 they require use of a download manager... which is completely ridiculous. I find it to be a complete pain the ass to have to install a damn activex control just to download a damn reader that won't even be installed in my damn browser. This practice is clearly nothing that would be user friendly and would not require such flawed technologies as Microsoft's Activex. I am not going to deploy this crapware to 250 computers and have to download the incapable download manager to every single one. This is asinine and this is definitely a negative user experience. This will force me to have to choose another product other than Adobe's. So screw adobe. They have buggy code and crappy products anyway.
ok... so I realize that many people don't want to receive a bunch of crapmail in their inboxes and they decide to use generic email addresses. However, choose carefully what that generic e-mail address you use. I have been receiving, and have received in the past, a ton of email messages that are not intended for me. Now, my suggestion is that you create a junk email box specifically for this purpose... call it spambox, or junkbox. and just move everything that is sent to that email directly into the trash. This is just common fricken courtesy.