Quiz and Story

    You Are 25 Years Old


    Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

    13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

    20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

    30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

    40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

    What Age Do You Act?

    MP told me about this news story, ouch that would hurt: BBC NEWS England Merseyside Woman jailed for testicle attack



    Ok, why does it seem as though I keep getting bombarded by projects and never being able to finish a single one... Ihad a 45 minute vent session with Beth about my frustration of having way too many projects with no priority list... so I'm now getting frustrated and irritated at the lack of organization... hopefully it will change soon...

    I changed the salmon color Jewel... so let me know what you think of the colors now...

    only 7 days until Harry Potter... I hope I can finish my current book on CD by then....



    well of course, everything that I plan never works.... oh well, another day...

    I did pre-order Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince book on CD today though... 40% off... can't argue with that.


    computer updates

    Today at work I spent 5 hours updating computers... I should've known this was coming.... but I fixed 3 computers during that time... that includes windows updates, multi-lingual office updates, and copying the entire drive contents twice...

    After work I headed to my friends' house to fix his dad's computer... it had some nasty spyware... took 5 1/2 hours to finally get rid of... talk about horrible....



    I was watching VH1 while cleaning up my room... they had the 100 sexiest stars on...

    #1: Beyonce - I don't think so

    #2: Angelina Jolie - That would be a better #1, I know Jewel would agree with that!

    #4: Britney Spears - not really sure why

    Naughtiest Librarian: Natalie Portman - I'd agree with that though

    Other notes: I did go to my meeting, there are goods and bads to the system, the best being centralized call management and centralized administration (plus remote administration ), it also supports seamless transition from cell phone to handset.... all of these are also negatives (excluding call management), because that means that I could work from home... which is something I wouldn't mind doing I guess.. particularly if I was sick or something... that'd be cool...



    Ok, today was the ALA exhibit at McCormick Place in Chi-town... so I had to get up early... which I don't like doing. The trip there was an hour and ten minutes, not bad for Chicago traffic... we get to McCormick Place and out of our nicely air conditioned into the stifling heat (in reality it was like a 30 second walk but still), and we actually get inside, and we have to pull out our badges (but most of the staff don’t' realize this) to get into the exhibits... most of the staff are all clumped together... while Jewel and I just keep walking right along, let the rest of the staff ask for help....

    anyway, I didn't realize how big the exhibit hall was huge... there were so many exhibits to see, and so much free stuff you wouldn't believe it... Free books, bookmarks, graphic novels, product literature, and the like.... Jewel and I ended up with 3 full bags each... I must have 15 or so books... all free... some advanced copies, some not... I'm going to keep the signed books for myself....

    I ran into a former librarian he works for a shelving company... I like the shelving, it moves for space saving... it would work well in archival areas.... our main library has a basement that I think it would work well in....

    We ended up walking around the entire exhibit area, many places twice, but I'm pretty sure we saw every exhibit that was available for us to see....

    the product that I want the most is the Canon scanner we saw a demo of.... it can scan up to 25 pages per minute in black and white, and 13 pages per minute in color... it comes in two parts that would allow somebody to buy just the scanning portion, or just the flatbed portion.... and a bonus is that the USB cables comes with the scanner (not typically done in today's market).

    I did meet Bill Barnes of Unshelved. He seems nice... I would have liked to have bought all three of the Unshelved volumes, but I do not have the money right now....

    Lunch options for the day were minimal, McDonalds, or we would have had to lug all of our stuff around the city (no way was I doing that, I don't think Jewel was going to either) So Eric, Jess N, Jewel and I all went to Mickey D's for lunch, but Jewel managed to spill her drink all over the floor, I saw it happening too...

    Jewel and I were in search of "bling" today, which was a flashing button that we couldn't find....

    The trip home took almost 2 hours, and we went from I55 to Illinois 126... although we had several opportunities to use alternative routes... but we ended up going down 59, which wasn't too bad until we got close to home...

    It was my first time going to ALA exhibits, but I have been to exhibits in DC if you recall. It was also Jewel's first time going to ALA, she had a blast, despite the heavy load of materials we were carrying...

    Well after ALA, I still had school... I stopped to get gas for my car, and it took 50 minutes to get to school... never good... I would have gone up to labs, but I didn't feel like walking up the stairs, after driving for that long, and walking all day, so I just sat and talked to two guys from class....

    And that's where I'm at now, typing this up... I'm going to wait for a little bit and take a quiz, maybe I'll post on that tomorrow... we'll see...

    There's supposed to be a meeting tomorrow morning at 10:00, I'm not sure if I'm going to go... we'll see... it is a scheduled day off, so I will see what I decide... I do have my alarm set, but I might just turn it off when it goes off.... who knows...

    Off topic: On the topic of school, I need to buy a switch for next class, buy the books for next class... and I need to sign up for classes.

    I'm planning on starting a page of stupid quotes...



    I've Changed the Colors on my page, let me know what you think... You only get to vote once.

    Change It

    (4 votes)

    Keep It

    (1 votes)


    The Day

    Well today at work was rather typical... helped a few people, read my book, I managed to get an entire chapter done at work... and I just finished chapter 9....

    while working on reading I got to thinking about why I couldn't telnet into my router... I figured it out... there was no default route telling the router where to go if it can't find the address.... wonder why I didn't think about it until tonight... I think I'm going to go and change some of the colors on my blog setup now....


    the day

    Well today I managed to switch around two laptops and batteries to allow people to use the laptops.... Then after church road, I headed to Eola, I managed to get some stuff done out there, well Jewel and I helped oh so many people today... 4 total... but somebody was playing a game... typer shark... here is my screenshot of how well I did tonight when I tried it

    while at Eola, I noticed that Jewel didn't have her car today, so I offered to drop her off at home. I already knew her mom from when she worked at Main, she's always nice; anyway, Jewel gave me a tour of her house... nice house, I like the sun room (which is a new addition if you read Jewel's blog, and the stress the sunroom has caused her). I didn't plan on spending so much time there, almost an hour, but hey, I wasn't doing anything else. Jewel's dad came home... his first comment, "Nice Car", now for those of you who know, I drive a Chevy Lumina.. Jewel's Dad also drives a Chevy Lumina... same year as mine... with twice as many miles though, nice paint on his though, still shiny, unlike my rusting car :( But he seems nice.

    I tried playing stronghold 2, but I managed to die... since then I've been playing with Packet Tracer for class... I need to read the rest of chapter 8 tomorrow, and chapter 9.... we'll see how that goes...


    My Day

    Who expects to be in one place doing labs for 4 and half hours? I didn't expect it to take that long to do one chapter of labs, it's not like they were that difficult, because they weren't, it was just time consuming I guess.... On to read chapter 8.... TCP/IP Suite Erro and Control Messages...

    anyway, I was doing updates at Eola today, it's always a blast doing updates, particularly when there are 3 restarts before I was finished... always frustrating..

    I did however manage to make it to school within 45 minutes, that included stopping for something to eat, so I can't complain there. But I was in school until 10:30 doing labs, so even now I'm tired, I've been home for less than an hour... contemplating between bed and reading... I might play a game too... I can always read tomorrow....

    I need to find a switch and buy the next set of books for class.... should od that soon....

    Monday is ALA... we'll see how it goes... at least it shouldn't be too bad... Jewel's going along with the rest of our bus... so it shouldn't be too boring...
