
    I was listening to the KFI's Tech Guy podcast #168, and he mentioned this, now owned by Yahoo, that allows widgets, or little programs within this larger program.. it's interesting... I found a few widgets I'm going to use. It's free, so try it.


    CCNA Intro Exam

    Well I did pass my INTRO exam, it was easier than I thought, yet I didn't do as well I had hoped, I only got a score of 860 out of 1000, while 825 is needed to pass... wonder where I went wrong... oh well, I passed, I guess that's all that matters.


    Certification Test

    well I have my certification test tomorrow at 1:30... This will be interesting... the only bad part is that I can't go back if I want to change an answer... oh well... we'll see how I do.


    CCNA Voucher Exam

    I just got finished taking the CCNA 1 and 2 INTRO exam voucher exam... you only need a 70% in order to get the voucher to take the actual INTRO test... I got a 93.7%. I actually printed out the results just to make sure that I have a record that I actually passed the thing. thought I would update everybody.



    I finished my final, got a 91%, which is an A, that's what I think I'll be getting for the entire class...

    next big thing is to take the certification exam... how fun... luckily there are two practice ones I can take.



    I bought a wireless router and network card for my laptop... I got it working how I want it to now... which is always good...

    now all I have to do is test to see how far it'll go...

    I still have to take my final... which I think I'm going to do in the next couple of minutes... I'll let everybody know how I do.



    weird thing while driving home every few lights were out... very strange... it's not like it was one after another, but like every 3 or 4 lights I went by were out... strange... anyway, I'm off to bed soon....


    MP's Wedding

    well, the wedding was pretty good, Amanda was almost in tears during the vows, but she held herself together. It was a little toasty in the church, since there was no air conditioning in it. The Limo ride was alright, we watched part of Old school, and stopped at McDonalds... yes, I know, we were on our way to the reception, but dinner wasn't until 8:00.. the reception went rather well as well... my toast was short and sweet, while the Matron of Honor's, Gina, speech wasn't so short. I had revised my toast after the rehersal.

    So the whole day was pretty good, MP and Amanda are off to Hawaii for two weeks... he said he'll give me a call, except I don't know how much time he'll actually have... oh well... he'll enjoy it all the same... I bet they're counting all the money they got right now...
