Nothing in Particular

    So, I went and did some more Holiday shopping today, because I had nothing else to do. I only have a little left to do, and then I'm done.

    anyway, that's it.



    So I've been working on the Final Lab Project for class, I'm almost done with it, I have most of the configurations done, but I still have some other minor things that I need to work on. I was in class until about 11:00 tonight... working on the lab final....



    I checked my work E-Mail today to find out that a former Co-worker, died Thanksgiving Evening at her home. It's sad, because she was really nice and always tried to make sure that you had a good day, even if you were having a really shitty day... Some things to think about....


    Website Down

    I'm not sure how, but my webserver got turned off... No idea how or why, but it did.... so it was down from 12:11 this morning until 11:15 when I noticed it and turned it back on.


    No Title

    I am almost done with my christmas shopping, I only have a few people left to shop for, and then I'm done.. I may finish by next weekend, but we'll see...

    That's about all for now..


    Xbox 360 Game Compatability

    So Today I was doing some compatibility testing with the Xbox 360 console and the original Xbox Games. Interesting Findings.

    Here is a list of the games tested, in alphabetical order.

    Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex
    Crimson Skies
    Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball
    Enter the Matrix
    Fight Night 2
    Genma Onimusha
    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
    JetSet Radio Future
    MVP Baseball 2004
    NBA Inside Drive
    Need For Speed Underground 2
    NHL Hitz 2003
    NHL Hitz Pro
    Pirates of the Caribbean
    Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
    Project Gotham Racing
    Project Gotham Racing 2
    Sega GT 2002
    Simpson's Hit and Run
    Spy Vs. Spy
    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II
    The Haunted Mansion
    The Simpson’s Road Rage (Platinum Edition)
    Toe Jam and Earl III
    Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
    Tony Hawk's Underground
    Tony Hawk's Underground 2
    True Crime: Streets of LA

    Two games could not be tested.

    NFL 2k5

    I could not locate these two discs.

    Now, only one of these Worked. Halo. There were a total of five Microsoft Studios Games in the bunch

    Crimson Skies
    Project Gotham Racing
    Project Gotham Racing 2

    One out five... you would think these would be the most compatible. Only 20% of the games we own are compatible.

    Therefore, that is a total of 33 Games. Only 1 of which is actually compatible

    Here is the list of games that we own that are supposed to be compatible

    Crimson Skies
    Fight Night Round 2
    Genma Onimusha
    Sega GT 2002
    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II
    The Simpson's Hit and Run
    The Simpson’s Road Rage (Platinum Edition)
    Tony Hawk's Underground 2

    So that is one out of twelve... hmm... 8.3%... that is not good....

    Now, I did not check to see if there were updates to any of the games, this was strictly putting them into the xbox 360 and seeing if they would load.

    Grand Total of Games that will work straight out of the box. One. So that's one out of 33... 3.03%.... good ratio... yeah, that's it.



    So I was doing some online shopping/browsing at I was looking for some iPod accessories, and they offer the Bose® Tri-Port® Headphones See Here. How is the iPod supposed to support this, with only one headphone jack? If somebody can tell me how, I'd like to know.

    I contacted letting them know of this oversight.


    Black Friday

    As Tradition has it, the day after Thanksgiving is known as "Black Friday"... and with that, I have a link to a funny cartoon .. Black Friday Cartoon



    Last night I bought some Hershey's with Mint candy bars for a co-worker, who likes them, so I put them in her locker. That was around 4:15, so I looked again at 9:00 and they were gone. that just annoys me to no end that somebody would steal candy bars from other staff members....
