Thoughts on iPhone Firmware 1.1.1 and Apple.

    Apple released their Update to the iPhone to 1.1.1. This has had several impacts on many users. The 1.1.1 'update' has broken ALL 3rd Party Applications, Ringtones, and Sim Card Unlock programs. This has 'broken' many iPhones to the point where they no longer work.

    I myself have 'upgraded' my phone to 1.0.2, put my ringtones back, added 3rd party apps. Most of the time I have no problem just using what's given to me, but I refuse to do so in this case. I used the directions from The baseband (modem) firmware wasn't changed, but I was able to get 3rd party applications on my iPhone.

    As I stated in the TWIT.TV Forums in Regards to the Engadget Open Letter to Apple & iPhone Customers

    "My take on the entire situation is that I'd like to see Apple allow 3rd party apps, easily (ala SDK), or provide an iPhone Hacker Edition, which they will only support the hardware, yet allow 3rd party applications. Provide the base OS, nothing more. They could even charge a bit more, not much, like $25 or even $50. Almost make it an open-source type phone (Unlocked Of Course). Make it GSM to allow the biggest customer base of consumers.."

    I think this would work on several levels, They could write the code once for the 'hacker edition' and then never submit another update, or just send an update that wouldn't touch any 3rd party apps, just fix any bugs that were within the OS code. This would allow those who don't want to mess with their phone, to purchase a 'locked' iPhone, and those who want to mess with the software to do so.

    You'll hear more about the "bricked" iphones, than the non-bricked ones, because the community of iPhone users is very vocal, not much unlike the macintosh community.

    IF apple instituted a subscription model for Applicatoins, I'd gladly pay $10 / month for plenty of good, useful applications and games. Items like a mobile chat client (ichat or adium), Customization options like changing the background, the icons for the different applications. and the look of the "dock".

    I think that Apple will face severe backlash for the things that they have done to 'break' 3rd party applications. They do not have a unified message across all of their devices. They don't have a 'hacking' stance on the Apple TV. They do not say anything about those who 'hack' their Macs to do things they are not designed to do, so why would you have a 'hammer-lock' stance on a device that could potentially change an entire industry? It doesn't make sense. I myself am not happy with Apple and their stance on the iPhone. If they continue down this path of locking out users, they will find themselves not selling very many iPhones. This would be both a bad business move, and bad for the community for both Apple and AT&T.

    I do not anticipate that the pending release of the next version of the Apple's Mac OS X, version 10.5 (Leopard), will be any less difficult to modify than Mac OS X, 10.4 (Tiger) currently is; but with the given trend, I can't say for certain. We'll all just have to wait until it is released sometime this month. I will be installing this update, Sans Boot-camp, once it's released, onto an External Hard drive, just to see what it's like, before committing to it. If I really wanted to, I could always put a new hard drive into my mac, and then replace the one in there, but using the one I have now is a better idea. I'll post my thoughts and comments on Leopard once it's out.


    Apple Updates

    Apple decided to ship their 1.1.1 firmware update for the iPhone. Now, this broke all unlocked (as in Non-AT&T) iPhones. Additionally, you can no longer have 3rd Party Applications and the iPhone Dev Team is working hard on breaking this, and I don't have my custom ringtones. Based on principle, I refuse to purchase ringtones, there's just no reason to force people to purchase them. I'm eagerly waiting the ability to get my ringtones back.

    On another note, I think I've decided to get the Apple 10.5 Leopard Family Pack once it's available with my $100 Rebate and my Gift card that I got. Either that, or I'll end up getting a 160GB iPod Classic. I'm pretty sure it'll be Leopard.

    On a completely separate note, I'll be moving in with my Grandma after my Grandpa died last weekend. I'll be paying rent, so we'll see how that goes. I'll probably be moving some stuff over, starting next weekend, but we'll see....



    Today was the funeral/wake/burial of my grandfather. All went well, it was a great day outside, he would've loved it. I wasn't too bad off, until they started to play 'Taps', since he was in the Army during the Korean war (1951-1953). Thanks for all of the well wishes from everybody. Here is the Obituary,

    "Bruce A. Olson, beloved husband of Kay Olson, nee Schmitt; loving father of Daryl S. (Donna) Olson, Cynthia (Wayne) Dixon, Shari (Raymond) Cheehy and the late Brian Christopher Olson; grandfather of 12; and great-grandfather of one. Visitation Wednesday 10 a.m. until time of service 1 p.m. at Adams-Winterfield & Sullivan Funeral Home, 4343 Main St. (1 blk So. Of Ogden Ave.) Downers Grove. Interment Clarendon Hills Cemetery. 630-968-1000".



    I pre-ordered 3 games last night for the Wii, Simpsons, Super Mario Galaxy, and DDR Hottest Party.

    Simpsons seems like a fun action game where you can play as each of the characters and since each character has their own special ability, it seems like it might be a cool game. Here's are some video previews.

    Super Mario Galaxy looks a lot like Super Mario 64, there's a three and a half minute video of somebody playing the game, youtube.

    I'll probably end up getting Mario Kart Wii when it comes out as well...



    Ok, It's been six years since "9/11". The thing that bugs me most, is the lack of coverage this week by the Media. I did see one story earlier, but that was it. Nothing else. I find this tragic. The price paid by the New York Fire Department and the New York Police Department on that fateful Tuesday is unforgettable. Seeing those Two Towers in flames is something that many will never forget. I've purchased books, I have the papers and the like from that day. Forgetting is not an option. The innocent people who also lost their lives will not be forgotten by their families. The other thing that I find tragic is the fact that we still have a corrupt regime running the country. Some fallacies that have been spewed by the idiots, Weapons of Mass Destruction, "Terrorists are going to attack us", Saddam, etc etc...

    Now, I won't say that Saddam was a saint, he certainly wasn't. However, given the current state of Iraq (Read fucked), I'd say he was holding everybody in their own separate corners and maintaining some semblance of order within the country. Now, of course "we" (Read republicans, AKA BUSH & CHENEY), have to go into Iraq and destroy the shit out of it, and pour billions and billions into the damn place and what has come out of it? I mean, yes there are parts that are being rebuilt, but we have billions in wasted tax payers money.

    The monetary cost is dwarfed by the human life cost. And no, not just American and British and other Soldiers. I also mean the innocent Iraqis who have given their lives because they were caught in a battle that they didn't start, yet they were the ones who truly suffer; along with the families of the victims. Don't get me wrong, I think that American and British soldiers giving their lives is tragic, and I can't begin to imagine how the families feel, however, nobody concentrates on "the other side" or as the war mongering assholes, Dickless Cheney and Bush, call them "terrorists".

    Now, onto the American people. They make me sick, I don't see any action to get Dickless and Bush out of office. I think as though these two should be tried for war crimes. End of story, I want to be on the Deciding Jury for that one. In other words, WAKE THE FUCK UP and see what shit is going on around you. Yes, I realize that we're all very fucking busy, but you know what, We need to take care of this country and get some decent damn health care for all first, make sure our economy is strong (meaning how about we make some shit in this country instead of getting it from overseas), and how about we have a complete reform of the whole damn political system.

    On the political system, here's my thoughts. Take the politicians out of Washington, D.C. Force them to live in the jurisdictions that they serve. 5 Day work weeks, 10 hours each day, minimum. Get rid of Pork Barrel spending. Divide up funding based on need. Meaning, If the state has a majority of corn farmers, they get the majority of the subsidies. Force ALL representatives to be fully accountable for all of their spending. They are alloted a set amount of money to run their offices, standard of living is taken into account. Enact a law that says ANY lobbyist found to be attempting to bribe a representative instantly, no questions asked gets 10 years in Jail, their companies fined ten million dollars. All of that money goes to libraries to help educate our children. And what about the politicians, if they're caught, 25 years in jail, their offices closed within an hour, and a special election taken to find their replacement.

    Next, force ALL politicians to work the same jobs and hours as their constituents. And I don't just mean for a day, I mean for a year before they are even allowed to take office.. Force them to live on those wages and see whether or not it can be done. I think they'll get the picture real quick. Additionally, CEOs should partake in this exercise too, using the payrate of their lowest paid worker as the pay.

    The Final thought for today is that all politicians should have some working knowledge of technology and how it operates. They don't need to know all of the details, buy having those who represent us know how to use a computer, work a webcam, post on youtube, and even be able to run their own fucking blog. No, they don't need to know how to write their own website or do their own graphics. But Need I remind you of Ted 'Tubes' Stevens of Alaska. It is never too much to ask our representatives to have a basic knowledge of what the young generation is doing and capable of doing.

    I have many more ideas of which some will like, some will hate. I've said this before, probably not on this blog, but don't make me president, CEO or any other position where I could do some real damage, cause I will. Feel free to leave comments (you must register, trying to combat comment spam).


    History of Labor Day

    Many people seem to know that the first Monday in September is a "free" day off, with pay. But many don't know why this is, well here it is: Labor Day (United States) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    This article is about the holiday in the United States. "Labor Day" redirects here. For other annual labor observances, see Labour Day. For observances on May 1, see May Day. Labor Day Observed by United States Type National Date First Monday in September 2007 date September 3, 2007 2008 date September 1, 2008

    Labor Day is a United States federal holiday that takes place on the first Monday in September. The holiday began in 1882, originating from a desire by the Central Labor Union to create a day off for the "working man". It is still celebrated mainly as a day of rest and marks the symbolic end of summer for many. Labor Day became a federal holiday by Act of Congress in 1894.[1] Contents [hide]

    • 1 Culture
      • 2 Controversies
      • 3 Miscellaneous
      • 4 Current dates
      • 5 References


    Labor Day has been celebrated on the first Monday in September in the United States since the 1880s. The form that the observance and celebration of Labor Day should take were outlined in the first proposal of the holiday — a street parade to exhibit to the public "the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations" of the community, followed by a festival for the recreation and amusement of the workers and their families. This became the pattern for the celebrations of Labor Day. Speeches by prominent men and women were introduced later, as more emphasis was placed upon the economic and civic significance of the holiday. Still later, by a resolution of the American Federation of Labor convention of 1909, the Sunday preceding Labor Day was adopted as Labor Sunday and dedicated to the spiritual and educational aspects of the labor movement.

    Today Labor Day is often regarded simply as a day of rest and, compared to the May 1 Labor Day celebrations in most countries, parades, speeches or political demonstrations are more low-key, although especially in election years, events held by labor organizations often feature political themes and appearances by candidates for office. Forms of celebration include picnics, barbecues, fireworks displays, water sports, and public art events. Families with school-age children take it as the last chance to travel before the end of summer. Some teenagers and young adults view it as the last weekend for parties before returning to school. However, of late, schools have begun well before Labor Day, as early as the 24th of July in many urban districts, including Nashville and Atlanta. In addition, Labor Day marks the beginning of the season for the National Football League and NCAA College Football. The NCAA usually plays their first games the weekend of Labor day, with the NFL playing their first game the Thursday following Labor Day.


    The Knights of Labor organized the original parade on Tuesday, September 5, 1882 in New York City. In 1884 another parade was held, and the Knights passed resolutions to make this an annual event. Other labor organizations (and there were many), but notably the affiliates of the International Workingmen's Association, many of whom were socialists or anarchists, favored a May 1 holiday. In 1886 came the general strike which eventually won the eight-hour workday in the United States. These events are today commemorated as Labor Day in virtually every country in the world, with the notable exceptions being the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. With the Chicago Haymarket riots in early May of 1886, President Grover Cleveland believed that commemorating Labor Day on May 1 could become an opportunity to commemorate the riots. Thus, fearing that it might strengthen the socialist movement, he quickly moved in 1887 to support the position of the Knights of Labor and their date for Labor Day.


    A recurring Labor Day event in the United States, since 1966, is the annual telethon of the Muscular Dystrophy Association, hosted by Jerry Lewis to fund research and patient support programs for the various diseases grouped as muscular dystrophy. The telethon raises tens of millions of dollars each year.

    Labor Day weekend also marked the annual running of the Southern 500 at Darlington Raceway in Darlington, SC. The race was run at any time during the weekend from 1950-2002. In 2004, NASCAR began racing on Labor Day weekend at California Speedway in Fontana, CA. This dropped the race to November in the schedule for 2004 which became a night race and was dropped altogether in 2005 in favor of a Mother's Day weekend night race.

    An old custom eschewed wearing white after Labor Day. The custom is rooted in nothing more than popular fashion etiquette.[1] In actuality, the etiquette originally stated that white shoes were the taboo while white or "winter white" clothes were acceptable.[2] This custom is fading from popularity as it continues to be questioned and challenged, particularly by leaders in the fashion world. "Fashion magazines are jumping on this growing trend, calling people who 'dare' to wear white after Labor Day innovative, creative, and bold. Slowly but surely, white is beginning to break free from its box, and is becoming acceptable to wear whenever one pleases. This etiquette is comparable to the Canadian fashion rule against wearing green after Remembrance Day. In the world of western attire, it is similarly tradition to wear a straw cowboy hat until Labor Day. After Labor Day, the felt hat is worn until Memorial Day. "[3]

    Current dates

    Labor Day (United States) will fall on the following dates in the next few years:

    • 2007 - September 3
      • 2008 - September 1
      • 2009 - September 7
      • 2010 - September 6
      • 2011 - September 5


    1. ^ "Ask Yahoo!", Yahoo!, 2002-09-13. Retrieved on 2006-09-05.
      1. ^ "White out? Tomorrow's Labor Day. So it's time for a fashion etiquette lesson",, 2002-09-01. Retrieved on 2006-09-05.
      2. ^ "Wearing White After Labor Day: Fashion Disaster or Tired Tradition", The HillTop Online, 2002-09-10. Retrieved on 2006-09-05.

    Things that piss me off

    Ok, here's a list of some things that just irritate me to no end.

    1. Those who can't type, or refuse to correct their typing mistakes.
    2. Police expect us to follow rules, yet, then don't themselves. What kind of example is this?
    3. Those who drive 15 over the limit. It's ridiculous, you're being a fucking asshole, end of story.
    4. Those who drive 15 under the limit. It's ridiculous, you're being a fucking asshole, end of story.
    5. The US Government, no explanation needed.
    6. Those who talk out of their ass without any context. Why, just shut the fuck up.
    7. People who blast their music past the necessary levels. Just killing your hearing, and everybody else's.
    8. Those who do not have any commonsense.
    9. People who don't follow simple rules or instructions, yet blame you for them screwing it up.
    10. People who are allowed to stay in their jobs, despite not being qualified. In real business they would be fired.

    A New site has been launched, Here you can rant, rave, or inform about Broken Apple products. Including, but not limited to iTunes, iLife, iWork, Aperture, Final Cut Studio, iMacs, Mac Minis, Macbooks or anything else Apple Related. Head on over to to get started.


    Theory: Apple iPhone Conspiracy

    I was just thinking about it. I think Apple Didn't want to allow 3rd Party developers to write native apps, IE Non-Safari, for the iPhone because they wanted to steal all of the best ideas and "write" (permanently borrow and not tribute) their own versions. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like they might be doing this so that they don't have to think about what apps people want, they can do market research... just an idea...

    I do know that they don't want to compromise the stability of the phone with 3rd party apps, but why not run those in a sandbox?
