The NSA Is Coming To Town

    The lyrics are below:

    (Voiceover) Ah the holiday season, a time for celebration and magic and spending time with the people you love. Just remember who is watching to make sure you’re not being naughty.

    (Song) You better watch out You better not Skype You better log out, Yeah you better not type The NSA is coming to town

    They’re making a list, they’re checking it twice They’re watching almost every electronic device The NSA is Coming to Town

    They see when you are sleeping They hear while you’re awake They know you call and who you write So encrypt for goodness sake

    With Congress in the Dark And a Cloaking and Dagger Court We’re looking for answers and they’re coming up short The NSA is Coming to Town

    They’re making a list, they’re checking it twice They’re watching almost every electronic device The NSA is Coming to Town The NSA is Coming to Town The NSA is Coming to Town

    (Voiceover) You Wouldn’t let Government agents spy on your special holiday moments in person Why are we letting them do it in the digital world? Help Us end the NSA’s unlawful spying programs. Click Here and Take Action Now.
