Apple Announces Dates for WWDC 2022

Today Apple has announced that they will be holding their annual World Wide Developer Conference, or WWDC.. The theme for this year is "Call to code". WWDC will again be held in an all-online format starting June 6th and going through June 10th. This will be the third year for this all-online format. Even though this year's WWDC is all-online, Apple is branching out to bring some in-person aspects to the conference.
"In addition to the online conference, Apple will host a special day for developers and students at Apple Park on June 6 to watch the keynote and State of the Union videos together, along with the online community. Space is limited and details on how to apply to attend will be provided soon."
WWDC 2022 will be free for anyone to watch during and after the conference. There is one aspect to WWDC that has become a tradition, the Swift Student Challenge.
Swift Student Challenge

For the third year in a row Apple is holding the "Swift Student Challenge". The Swift Student Challenge is designed to provide students an opportunity to create a Swift Playground and show it off. The requirements are the same as last year, which were:
Build your Swift Playgrounds app project, answer a few written prompts, provide documentation, and submit. To be eligible for the Challenge, you must:
- Be 13 years of age or older in the United States, or the equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction (for example, 16 years of age in the European Union);
- Be registered for free with Apple as an Apple developer or be a member of the Apple Developer Program; and
- Fulfill one of the following requirements:
- Be enrolled in an accredited academic institution or official homeschool equivalent;
- Be enrolled in a STEM organization’s educational curriculum;
- Be enrolled in an Apple Developer Academy; or
- Have graduated from high school or equivalent within the past 6 months and be awaiting acceptance or have received acceptance to an accredited academic institution.
There is additional information about requirements on the WWDC 2022 Student Challenge page. This can be found on the Apple developer site.
It will be interesting to see what Apple unveils at WWDC, which is just about two months away. Per my usual, I will have some predictions about what Apple will unveil as it gets closer to the WWDC 2022 keynote.
Source: Apple News