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wwriteLite 8.0.0 Now Available

All new wwriteLite 8.0.0 icons.

I have released a new version of my app, wwriteLite, version 8.0.0. This new version has a few new features, most notably the new "Prompts" feature. There are two types of prompts, "One Word Prompts" and "Writing Prompts".

One Word Prompts

The "One Word" prompt is also aptly named in that it will provide you with a new word to provide a prompt. There is a new word every day. Some examples include: 

  • drip
  • scratch
  • fly

Every effort has been made to not have duplicates, but it is possible that there will be some along the way. 

Writing Prompts

Writing Prompts is a prompt with a new one being shown every week. As the name implies, it provides a writing prompt. Some examples are: 

  • Think about the best vacation you have taken and write about why it is your favorite.
  • Write about your favorite childhood toy.
  • Write a story about living as part of King Arthur's entourage.


Both prompt types can be added as a widget in either the Today View (on iOS, iPadOS, or macOS) or it can be placed on one of your home screens (iOS or iPadOS). 

As always, wwriteLite is a free update. There is an additional icon pack called "Fruit" that you can purchase. It is $0.99, like the other icon packs, "Space".

You can check out the full change log for the app. You can also download it from the App Store.
