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Reading List for March 2021

In a continuation of my monthly recap of what I have read, or more practically, listened to; at least in terms of books. You can review the lists from January or February. With it being the very beginning of April, it is time to provide last month's list with the items that I have listened to. As is the case for most of my books and podcasts, I listened to most of these at 2x or possibly even slightly faster.

Unlike January and February, I did not listen to nearly as many books in March. Over the course of the month of March, I managed to listen to 12 different titles. Of these 3 were titles that I listened to for the first time. Not listening to as many books makes a lot of sense given that the first three titles total over 110 hours of listening. I am guessing that I might listen to about the same number of items in April as much, or something similar. It all depends on how the month goes.

Disclaimer: the links below will provide a bit of a commission if you purchase anything.

Title Author First Listen
Evening and the Morning (Kingsbridge Book 4) Ken Follett No
Pillars of the Earth (Kingsbridge Book 1) Ken Follett No
World without End (Kingsbridge Book 2) Ken Follett No
Origins: Fourteen Billion years of Cosmic Evolution Nathan Hystad No
Mars Rover Curiosity: an inside account from Curiosity’s Chief Engineer Bob Manning Yes
First Encounter Jasper T. Scott Yes
The Salvage Crew Yudhanjaya Wijeratne Yes
The Jester James Patterson and Andrew Gross No
Valhalla Rising Clive Cussler No
Trojan Odyssey Clive Cussler No
Black Wind Clive Cussler No
Bourne Identity (Bourne Book 1) Robert Ludlum No
Total   12

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