A New Start

A millennial is defined as someone who is born between 1981 and 1996. I am a millennial, albeit an early one. If you ask someone to provide one thing that would define a "millennial" it is possible that they will respond with something like "they are constantly jumping from job to job". If you were to look the resume for what one might call a "typical millennial", you would likely see them jumping from job to job typically every two or three years. In this respect I am not a typical millennial.
I got my first job when I was 16 and I stayed with that employer for almost 17 years. This clearly is not typical behavior of a millennial. During my tenure there I did just have a single position, I had four of them. I wrote up a whole post about it when I did change jobs.
During my tenure with my second employer I have managed to automate a number of things so they no longer require direct staff intervention, which has freed up staff time to handle other projects. Along with this, I have created many internal applications that have allowed for more streamlined workflows. Friday was my last day with my second employer.
I was not planning on leaving my second employer, but sometimes the right job comes around at the right time; this is one of those cases. I think my second employer is in a much better position than they were before I started three and half years ago.
Tomorrow I start a new job with my third employer. Similar to my last two jobs, this one is is still related to libraries. I will be doing many of the same things as my previous job, but there is one big addition. I will be working on an iOS app. It will not be a public app, as it will be for internal use. The idea of doing an iOS app was one of the big factors in taking the position.
This new job will be a new adventure for me. While it does have with a bit more of a daily commute, each job has tradeoffs. It is the next logical step in my career. Having been a web developer for my day job, as well as doing an iOS app on the side, I am excited to be able to work on an iOS app for my day job.