Apple's PRODUCT(RED) iPhone

Apple is a company that tries to do some good along with selling their products. One of the most prominent causes that Apple likes to donate to is (PRODUCT)RED. There have been a number of products throughout the years that Apple has made to sponsor PRODUCT(RED). Some of these have included iPods, iPhone cases, headphones, even a 2013 Mac Pro, and even more.
Today Apple announced a new item that is available in PRODUCT(RED), the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. When Apple has done PRODUCT(RED) iPod Touches and iPhones in the past, they have been Red backs with White faces. The PRODUCT(RED) iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus have changed this. The backs are still Red, but the front is now black.
The change o the front actually does two things. The first is it responds to the request from users to have a black front with the red back. The second is that it will help differentiate between an iPhone 7 and iPhone 8 that are in PRODUCT(RED).

Personally, I like the look of the PRODUCT(RED) iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. Even though It would be great to see a Product Red iPhone X.
Even though there is not a PRODUCT(RED) iPhone X, there is a PRODUCT(RED) iPhone X Leather Folio.
The PRODUCT(RED) iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X Leather Folio will be available for order starting tomorrow, April 10th, 2018, with products available in stores on April 13th, 2018.

If you do not want an iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, or iPhone X Leather Folio, there are more options available PRODUCT(RED) on Apple's PRODUCT(RED) page.