Archive for May 2013 - Page 1

    Teen Inspiration Zach Sobiech dies

    Back in February I posted a video by Zach Sobiech, who had been diagnosed with Osteosarcoma. It turns out that he died yesterday. The first video below is Celebrities and family members singing his song "Clouds". The second video is an in-depth look into his life, how it has affected everybody around him, and his last goodbyes. Be warned, the second video is a tear jerker. Don't say I didn't warn you.

    RIP Zach. I hope the view is a little nicer up in the clouds.


    50,000th Tweet


    If I have scheduled and calculated everything properly, this will be my 50,000th Tweet since joining Twitter on January 29th, 2007, or 2301 days. If I would've looked at the number of days yesterday, I would've made sure I hit 50,000 tweets yesterday. Alas, life This comes out to an average of about 22 tweets per day. A great many things have happened in my life since that time. Too many to go through in just this one post. However, if you're really interested let me know I'll go through them with you on a one-on-one basis. I've made quite a few friends during that time. Coincidentally, none that I have actually met in person. I hope to change that fact.

    To celebrate my 50,000th Tweet, I'll be giving away one copy of each of my e-books (including the soon to be released Xbox e-book) to one lucky individual.

    In order to win you must have a valid email address (yes, weird requirement I know), be able to download books from iTunes AND have the best reply to the Tweet (as determined by me). The contest will run for one week from this posting, or May 25th, and 12:00 Central Time.
