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Quick rant on Television Studios

The following is my reaction to TVSeriesFinale's post on replacing My Generation with re-runs of Grey's Anatomy. This is the same commented I posted on the site.

As the target demographic, I'm not surprised that ABC would cancel the show. I was enjoying it, and I only know of two other people who watched it. Since we are the transitional group from watching a show at a certain time on a certain day to watching shows when we want, Television studios are continuing to alienate us and at some point they will not be able to win us back.

I'm one who finds entertainment outside of Television, I'm down to only watching a handful (House Hunters, Design Star, Project Runway) of shows, plus the History Channel, and the rest I get via Netflix. If it wasn't for my fiance I wouldn't subscribe to cable television at all.

Each of the major three has disappointed me by canceling, prematurely, the shows I wanted to watch (Life, Studio 60, My Generation). There will be a time when I refuse to watch any television at all, and I will just be the beginning of the ever growing decline of viewers, but the television distributors can't see this trend occurring.

Once this happens, advertisers will be, and already have begun, going to other non-traditional mediums. Gotta love podcasts. I've purchased more items due to podcast advertising than I have traditional television, Traditional TV studios are just shooting themselves in the foot by focusing on short-term gains versus long-term viability.
