My Day
Well... I managed to do a bunch of things today.... I went to Barnes and Noble and bought the Newest Robert Ludlum book.... I also ordered 5 things from Barnes and Noble using the rest of my gift card... But I bought 1 cd, and 4 books.... the CD was 9.98 and the books were $5.99, two at $3.99 and one at $1.99.... so not too shabby....
I just ordered them like 10 minutes ago, and got a confirmation for shipping on Wednesday four minutes later.... go Barnes and Noble...
Here's my schedule for tomorrow:
- Take my voucher exam
- Go To Laundromat and do clothes, because the washer is broken
- Get an Oil Change
- Stop by the Bank
- Go Register for School
so my day will be pretty full tomorrow....
Interestingly though, the class I'm signing up for is a Pilot class... since they revamped the Curriculum, and as far as I know, there is no book for my class.... so it will definately be interesting....