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Reflections of 2006

Many things have happened throughout the year.... I lost the woman I loved, made some new friends, been reacquainted with old ones, seen co-workers come and go....

Exactly 9 months ago today, the woman that I loved, decided it was time to part ways... we still talk just about every day of the week. The first few months wwere some of the hardest times I've had to go through, but I persevered and continued on...

Despite having my heart broken, some people from the past came along... Ken found me on Myspace and I've become friends with him again... His girlfriend Jen W., she's a blast... she's always there when I need to bitch about something...

Jen W, introduced me to Brit and Kristen, There's not much I have to say about Kristen, since I haven't talked to her much.... now if Brit is nothing else, she's honest. She's not afraid to tell you how she feels, and she doesn't mind call you a little shit if she doesn't like what you said... She's also quite a bit more, very outgoing and obviously is the center of attention... that little attention whore... Don't change Brit.

In an attempt to move along, I met somebody who understands me as much as I understand her, it was an attempt to forge a relationship, but despite that failing I've made a friend who I wouldn't give up for the world... Thanks for being there Jen S.

I made a major purchase this year... my 2006 Chevy Cobalt... it's the most expensive thing I've ever purchased, and will purchase for some time... it's running and I can't argue with having the car... it's a great car... A couple weeks after buying my car, I bought my phone... which will eventually be replaced... probably sooner rather than later..

Next came Saramani leaving the library to work elsewhere and expand her horizons. I of course was saddened by this, but I think it was time for her to vacate the library and move on. Of course I'll never forget all the interesting debates we had... fun times...

Following Sara's exodus, I met Kim, now Kim and I have a very unique relationship... We've never met in person, only chatted online... but I think it was simply fate that two people needed each other, simply to help each other through rough times... of course we still talk, but she's almost never online anymore....

Following that I made my next major purchase... Two brand new iPods.... I had purchased a first generation iPod Nano, but I bought the second generation iPod Nano (looks like a revised iPod Mini), and a second generation iPod with Video... that was a good chunk of change...

And Now, the latest in the saga... Julieta's last day at work was today. She's off to Mexico for a vacation before starting a new job... I'm not sure why I'm so sad by this, it's Julieta's personality to not stay in one spot for very long... She's not meant to stay in the library... but I don't know who I'll get to bounce ideas off of... I'll find somebody...

There have been somethings that I might have changed throughout the year, things that I might have done differently, chances I might have taken, but chose not to... but I wouldn't change any of the major events for anything.... I wouldn't have met so many great people... and I wouldn't have made so many friends...

I'm not sure what 2007 will bring, but I do have ideas as to what I would like to see... I do have a couple of plans... The first is to buy a new computer, a Macintosh, it'll depend on what's available as to what I purchase. The next is to pay off my credit card... I would like to find somebody... but I don't know if it'll happen... but we'll see...
