Archive for September 2006 - Page 2

    Stories of the Week

    Stories of the week have been posted... check them out here. There are Plenty of stories this week....40 total.


    Writer's block

    So of course, me being me, I'm doing my independent study history class writing assignment like I should be... and well... I can't seem to figure out why I can't fully understand what one editor is saying about family life between 1880 and 1920... I mean I understand that money wasn't such a big factor during the 1880's, the lack of providing what constituted "necessities of life", like enough clothes, a shelter, enough food (during the 1880s)... but then during the 1920's, what constituted a "necessity" had changed... it's like it was to keep up with the Jones's... like never having flashy, materialistic things was enough.... much like some think today....

    anyway... my prediction is that one day everything will collapse, and we'll go back to pre 1900 times, where having materialistic things doesn't mean anything....


    The past several days

    Well, I've given up on even trying to look for anybody to date, because, well it's not working... and givine up is easier than to keep trying.... anywho...

    the past several days haven't been the best I've had... I'm just tired of absolutely everything... I'm sick of work, I'm sick of looking for somebody, I'm tired of always being there for everybody, yet nobody being there for me when I need it... there's only a few people who are there when I need it... and they know who they are....

    I'm thinking over my entire life in terms of where I'm at, where I'm going, and the the like.... I need a change, but I'm not sure what change yet.... we'll see...


    No Stories

    well... there are no stories of the week again this week... I'm going to double up... I'm thinking I might switch to just once every other week and put a bunch of stories on there...
