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It occurred to me tonight what regret actually is....

Regret is those things that you wish you could change now, but can't. Regret is those thinsg that you wish you did, but didn't. Regret is one of those things that you did but wish you had not done... Regret is those opportunities that you didn't take when you should have... said those things but didn't... Regret is different to everybody... it does not have the same connotation to everybody... what one person regrets, another might not... .

Now many say that regret is something you shouldn't have but it's human nature to do so. You may feel sorry for the things that you've done to hurt others, but you may also feel as though it's made you a better person overall. The only person who can fully decide what the outcome of the actions taken is you, not anybody else. It's not what your best friend thinks, or the random stranger on the street... it's what you decide is the effect is...

I know most say that you shouldn't focus on the past, because it won't get you anywhere, and you can't change what has happened... but the rememberance of the past is something that may help you with your current struggles... Possibly having an influence on what action you decide to take now.... I know this from experience.... the old addage, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is somewhat relevant in the meaning that not doing something one time, gives you the needed courage to not do the same thing again... nobody said it'd be any easier... but if you can do it once, you can do it again... but this also has the other edge of the sword.... continuing on an action that may not necessarily be what you want, also aides in continuing to do that same action... which can have a negative impact and may not be the healthiest thing... to each his own...

oh well... my incoherent rambling for today...

P.S. PB: Everything will be OK... believe me it'll get better for you...
