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To Whom it may concern (you know who you are):

Nobody is ever who they say they are. Why must everybody put up a front and pretend to be something that they're not? It bothers me to no end when people do this. oh well, so much for actually trying to do anything nice for anybody and trying to protect people. It bothers me that everybody just thinks that I'm lying and trying to be controlling. Well nobody understands me. I wish people would get out of their fantasy worlds and jump into reality. We all have to grow up sometime, might as well be now.

Why doesn't anybody just be who they are? Why does everybody have to say one thing and do another? Why can't people just be honest anymore? I'm sick of everybody lying, trying to be manipulative and just being inconsiderate towards others feelings. I'm sick of people living in their fantasy worlds and not living in reality. It's time to wake up, grow up and see what the world is really like. It's not all fun and games.

All I ever try to do is protect people, but they don't see it as that, they think I'm trying to be controlling. well, guess what I'm not. I know what the true world is like, and sometimes, I think that people need to be shown what's it like so they're ready for it. But nobody sees it that way. I try and give people advice, they don't like it. I try to be helpful, they just ignore me.

So if you really need to know what I'm thinking or what my thoughts are, let me know. But I don't expect anybody to.
