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November 5, 2023
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August 1, 2023

Apple and Intel

So I got to thinking, why would apple wait to announce an Intel based Mac Mini... and I came to the conclusion that they want to make sure that the prices of the chips come down so that they can sell them at the price point that they want.... around the $499 to $799 range... which would work for me....

I also wondered what an actual Video iPod would be like... and I'm thinking they could do that with a 2.5" mobile hard drive and put 120 GB Drive into the thing and it would work... along with nice 5" screen... I think they would make a killing... I would possibly buy one... as long as they included a case for the thing as well... and not just some cheap case, but like a good hard case so it wouldn't get ruined if I put it in my bag....
