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December 15, 2024


Well Apple released the Video Ipod a couple days ago, on Wednesday, in case anybody didn't know... so there's been an update to the Itunes software, it's now at Version 6, that supports Videos. Currently there are only 5 different shows on ITunes for purchase. They are as follows:

  • Desperate Housewives

  • Lost

  • Night Stalker

  • The Suite Life

  • That's So Raven

And, I have since downloaded only Night Stalker, seeing as though I've already seen All of the Dsperate Housewives episodes. And My brother has purchased Lost, because he missed an episode. My brother also purchased a Video Ipod.... 60 Gigabyte Black. Which is what I plan to purchase for myself come next spring... Maybe at the point they will have 80 gig ones... we'll see...

The quality of the video is not the same that you can procure off of torrent sites. But it's not meant to be...

The shows are $1.99 per episode... so it is actually cheaper to purchase an entire season off of ITunes than it is to purchase the DVD set. The best part of the episodes on ITunes is that you can get them the day after they are shown on Television.... interesting way that Steve Jobs has done this....
