Archive for June 2005 - Page 2


    Well, isn't it always fun when there's no air conditioning at work.... today there wasn't any so it was like close to 90° in the computer lab, and I never made it downtown to do anything. I was running around like a nut, and now I'm exhausted, but of course I have school, so I will probably be leaving for that shortly.... after I grab some things to drink and eat something....


    who knows

    I feel like Ozzy Osbourne.... I took some dye free benadryl for my allergies, around 1 pm, and now I have absolutely no energy....

    anyway, on another note.... Dana Elcar... who was on Macgyver died monday.... I don't watch the re-runs, but I thought it was interesting anyway....

    you gotta love companies that argue and fight over things that are not even standards yet.... Confusion over next generation Wi-Fi stupid companies....


    Grades and Ebay

    well I got an A in my CCNA class last quarter... we'll have to see how I do this summer....

    I got outbid on the 1601 router... that's ok... I'll look for a 1605 at some point... or I'll buy a soho 91 or and 851... we'll see


    unkown title

    well... I bid on another cisco 1601 router for $5.51, I don't know if I'll get it... but if I do, then I'll need a power supply for it.... and a cable... I've been looking for the power supply... but the cheapest I've found is 23.00 on ebay... that'll have to wait then....

    there's this one woman in my CCNA class that does not seem to get it... she does not seem to understand the things that we learned last term... like how to properly use subnets and the like... and what class of address certain addresses belong to...

    anyway, I just took my quiz and got a 92.9% on it... so far so good... this term the quizzes don't count for so much of my grade... which is ok I guess, but they definately kept my grade up last term...


    updates and what not

    Well I've moved my blog to my computer instead of the other one.... because I'm going to use that for testing of linux.... if all goes well I might move the website back to that computer eventually... but I dont' know... we'll see.. I plan on using that computer as a router and firewall... I know this doesn't mean much to many... but oh well....

    I think I'll buy a case at some point and piece together a computer from the parts I have lying around and use that for something as well... maybe that will be the new webserver... we'll see... that will be linux as well...

    my dad brought home an old computer from my grandparents house that he wants setup in my parents room, so I'm unsure as to how I will connect that computer to the rest of the network... I may have to run another cable to have that work... but we'll see... it's an old P2 400 with 128 MB of Ram running Windows 98....

    any comments would be well appreciated....


    Work, school and what not

    Well I was almost late for work today... I know... it never happens... but of course I was on time....

    didn't do much today at work because of our 3 hour long meeting... talk about long.... I've had seminars shorter than that meeting....
    I did manage to get a free router out of the deal though... the director didn't see why we would keep it around if it hasn't been used in years :))

    anyway... school... I took my final... only got an 87.1%... that's means I should have an average of 90.95%... you would think that would become a 91%... which is an A... I hope.... anyway... that's all I have for now....
