I know this is long, but here you go, read the following two files:
Pirate Bay Response to Web Sheriff #1
Pirate Bay Response to Web Sheriff #2
I laughed so hard when I read these... I recommend these for a good laugh.
I know this is long, but here you go, read the following two files:
Pirate Bay Response to Web Sheriff #1
Pirate Bay Response to Web Sheriff #2
I laughed so hard when I read these... I recommend these for a good laugh.
I took the final quiz tonight for class, I got a 94.8%.. so I can't argue. I also took a practice final, and I got a 96.4% on that, can't argue with that either.
Here are some lyrics I thought some of you would enjoy, it's from Brad Paisley, it's a song called Alcohol.
Work today was hectic, I was downtown for less than an hour, headed out to our West Branch to update the anti-virus clients, that took a while, because of a few problems. Then I headed back to Eola to update some of those computers, and look at a computer that won't eject a cd, but I couldn't get to it, it was in use.
School was ok, I had trouble paying attention because of all of the talking, but oh well. I did alright on the Quiz tonight, I got a 94.6%, so that brings my average to 94.57%, so I can't really argue too much at all.
Today at work was just another day at work, except there was no air conditioning in the computer room today, like 90º, not very good for any computer equipment....
school was school, per usual, I got a 95.7% on my quiz tonight, I can't argue. a lot of information... only two classes left for this term... then starts summer... how fun...
The Naper-Po are out in force tonight, I saw 5 on my way home, 2 had one guy pulled over, 2 had another pulled over, and a single lonely po was sitting in the middle of the road, probably trying to catch speeders.... oh well....
Well today was just another day here in A-Town.... I went to get my haircut, went to Dominick's Grocery store, went to COD to pay my tuition, and mowed the lawn... not a whole lot got done today..... But I did manage to read this article in the Chicago Tribune Today...
Now I'm wondering why they are installing this, have patrons really asked for this... there are definately less expensive and more profound ways to implement better security for patrons, and their privacy.... now, how is one to know that they on't track where you've been going while using one of their computers... does this affect their wireless usage at all? All valid questions.... although I don't need to use any of their internet computers, since I have my own..
any thoughts....
Well today just sucked.... I didn't get enough sleep, of course nothing new....
I get to work, nothing new, only one person showed up for training this morning... that was for like 5 minutes to ask two questions.... oh well.... I informed my boss about a particularly nagging problem with USB thumb drives on the second floor downtown... weird how it only affects those computers....
I tried doing more work for our Summer Reading programs which is only 3 weeks until it starts, but I was basically informed, by my boss, that Summer Reading Program isn't top priority and that I had to go look at something that could have waited until the full-timer came in at 12:30, but no, of course not... like always, my opinion doesn't mean anything, nor does what I think is important mean anything to anybody at work, despite the director saying that summer reading program is supposed to be my top priority... oh well, I think I'll let the director know about this on Wednesday
School was boring per usual, because the substitute instructor we have is not that interesting to listen to when he lectures... I did manage to get a 95.7% on my quiz, so I can't complain.
the only good thing about today, is no work or school tomorrow... none, nada, nill, null....
Work today was sort of slow at first, but then it got exceedingly hellish....
I started off downtown today, wasn't anything that bad, I had 3 people show up to training, not too bad...
I edit an ASP page for the Genealogy index we have, nothing too difficult, just eh....
Then I headed to lunch, not too interesting either....
I had to fix the children's PCs, because they wouldn't print. one of the circulation computers wasn't working properly with the domain, had to look at that. A PC in the lab's screen doesn't look right, I have a feeling that's going...
Side Note: Jewel, ELAB5's monitor color is off, there's not a lot that can be done about it....
Then I had to try and setup a laptop and project for a program tomorrow.... this is when it really went downhill.... I can't find the connection between the network connection and the laptop... not a good thing, since the program is about Ebay, and internet is required to do a program about that....
anyway, right now I'm formatting the hard drive for the family computer since Windows did not want to load at all last night, I've saved what needed to be saved, and the rest doesn't matter...
Yes I know there's no title to this....
Today was a big waste all around, didn't do anything special today... I played Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and beat it... then I started playing Quake, but I had to get ready for work....
On to Work.... I didn't do a whole heck of a lot at work today, I did help a few people, and I did make notes of UPS's. I did find a new YA book that was interesting.... No, not just the cover is interesting, so far the story line is as well... although the cover didn't hurt in grabbing attention. I'll let everybody know how good it is....
Well Today was just another day in Aurora....
I didn't want to go to work this morning, and I'm still not fully awake.... oh well...
it was raining on my way to work, so that kept traffic slow, it took me like 20 minutes to get to work, how sad....
I didn't do a whole lot while at work, except now I have to work on making a Genealogy database into something viewable for patrons... this will be fun.... that's the word for it, right....
after work, I went to the store, but I didn't buy anything of consequence to really matter...
then I sat around playing games until like 3:30, at which point I got ready to go to school, which was a nightmare.... anybody who was around ogden just east of the railroad tracks, between long grove and frontenac will understand...
there was an accident, involving a mustang, and mini-van, and an SUV, coincidentally, all of the cars were white... really strange, now that I think about it... so that slowed traffic, not to mention the two cop cars that went speeding by, they didn't help either.
school: this guy asked to borrow my cell phone to make a couple of calls, of course I say yes, he read me the number, and it sounded familiar, but it didn't occur to me until after I got a text message from my friend, B... (yes jewel, I'm starting to use your style with names).... she asked if I let a friend of her's, use my cell phone to make a call, so it didnt' occur to me until I look afterwards, and saw the he called B, very serendiptious...
our regular teacher wasn't at class, and won't be for the next two weeks, the sub isn't too bad, not as entertaining though.... oh well... but I did manage to get a 95% on my quiz, so I can't argue.... that makes my average 94.2%... it's not 100% like I would like, but I guess I really can't argue..... but oh well... I'm going to anyway....
that's been my day... any comments?
Well I was running around at work all day today, it was sort of annoying. Up and down stairs all day, gets to be tiring after a while....
School was repetitive again, per usual. but I did manage to get a 96.4% on my quiz tonight, so I guess I can't argue... I'm going to watch West Wing some more now.